
Learn how to apply the Color Splash effect by keeping a single color in a black-and-white image. 

Step 1: Open Your Image in Photoshop 

  1. Launch Adobe Photoshop and open the image you want to apply the Color Splash effect to by going to File > Open. 

Step 2: Duplicate the Background Layer 

  1. In the Layers Panel, right-click on your background layer and select Duplicate Layer. 
  1. Rename the new layer to Color Layer and click OK. 

Step 3: Desaturate the Image 

  1. With the Color Layer selected, go to Image > Adjustments > Desaturate or press Shift + Ctrl + U (Windows) or Shift + Command + U (Mac). 
  1. This will turn the entire image black and white. 

Step 4: Create a Layer Mask 

  1. In the Layers Panel, click on the Add Layer Mask button at the bottom. This will add a mask to your Color Layer. 
  1. Ensure the Layer Mask (white box next to your layer thumbnail) is selected. 

Step 5: Select the Brush Tool 

  1. Select the Brush Tool from the Tools Panel or press B on your keyboard. 
  1. Set the Foreground Color to black. This allows you to “paint away” the black-and-white effect to reveal the original color underneath. 

Step 6: Paint to Reveal Color 

  1. With the Layer Mask selected and the Brush Tool active, zoom in on the area where you want to keep the color. 
  1. Using the black color to erase, and white to bring back. 
  1. Begin painting over the area. As you paint with black, the color from the original image will be revealed. 

Step 7: Refine Your Edges 

  1. If you accidentally paint over areas you don’t want to show in color, switch the Foreground Color to white and paint over the mistakes to restore the black-and-white effect. 
  1. Toggle between black and white by pressing X on your keyboard. 

Step 8: Final Touches 

  1. Check your image for any missed spots and refine the mask where necessary. 
  1. Adjust the overall look by clicking on Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast or Levels to enhance the contrast between the color and black-and-white areas. 

Step 9: Save Your Work 

  1. Save your image in Photoshop format (PSD) if you plan to edit it later. 
  1. Export your final image by going to File > Export > Export As and choose JPEG or PNG to save it in a shareable format. 



Shortcuts to Remember: 



You now have a striking Color Splash image where only your chosen color stands out against a black-and-white background! 

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